On Saturday, I went into work only to have the power go out for 1.5 hours. I was sent home because the powere wasn't scheduled to come back on until 11am, and the minute I pulled into my driveway, Brigette (a gal from work) called me back in becasue the power had turned back on. oh yay! I worked until 1pm and came home. We took Joel and Gina out to the Wash Park Grille and then got some drinks at Reiver's. By 10pm we were all a bit tired, but decided it would be great fun to head over to J and G's and have a sleep-over, since the next day the guys were going fly-fishing and the gals were headed to Boulder, CO just to hang! Boulder=hippie town...for sure!!
just smokin' reefers right on the street...just kidding...but they may as well have been. these street-players had some talent!

could've been on America's Got Talent! This guy could sing!!

good 'ole Olds