Friday, April 25


Madrid was really fun. I have the schedule of what we did, but I don’t feel like looking at it. Here’s what I remember:Day 1 we went to El Palacio Real. I enjoyed seeing all the palacios because it made all the kings and queens that we’ve been talking about so real. Day 2 we went to El Escorial, Valle de los Caidos, and Segovia. In Segovia, we saw El acueducto, la cathedral, and el Alcazar. Day 3 we woke up early to go to El prado. We went to Toledo today at 2:30 pm. We saw the huge Cathedral, la Sinagoga, and la Iglesia were they buried El Greco. All were quite magnificent. Day 4 we went to the Reina Sofia Modern Art Museum. I loved it and could have spent hours there, but we only had about 2 hours. My new love is Picasso, who actually sparked my inner-artista. I bought a sketch book the other day. It's been a great outlet! I am by no means Picasso and really wasn't trying to be, but it's been great!

All else is ok. I have some exams coming up (and by some I mean 6!!), but I am feeling better than yesterday becuase I woke up early and wrote 2 5page papers and prepared my presentation. Yes, I can breathe now. The sun is shining and the air is super warm! I heard that you have the same news in MI!?

Alright, well enjoy the pictures here and shutterfly.

Valle de los Caidos-During the reign of Franco, this Monument and Church were built by the P.O.W's. We've been studying Franco alot in our classes...let's just say...many people want these monuments down.

Our first stop was The Royal Palace.
Acueducto de Segovia. Also studied this, so it was really great to see in "real life"!

Most of the gals in the group!
Toledo is known for their ceramics. This kind man let me photograph him in his store. Beautiful work!

Toledo. I wish you could see it, but the River Tajo surrounds this city. Meaning it was impossible to attack....but...they were attacked and had to reconstruct this city from nothing.

Wednesday, April 9

The Mother Land (NL)

This past weekend I visited family in the Netherlands. It was so great to see them. I spent Friday with Hans, my cousin, working in the fish store. I actually put on the apron, cut up the fish, fried 'em up, and served the clients. Of course, everyone thought it was cool that an American girl who spoke some Dutch was in the store!

Friday night, after a hard day's work, I surprised my opa and oma. They had no idea that I was coming and so when the doorbell rang, I ran downstairs to greet them. They were so thrilled as was I. I started bawling because it was so overwhelming. After I recovered (smile) we sat at chatted and some other family came over as well.

Saturday morning I went with my aunt and uncle to their store and put in a good 4 hours of "work"/watched everyone else do their thing. After, we picked up my opa and oma to run some errands and visit more family. We went to visit Hans in his store and I had to see opa and oma fillet (1 l?) the hering for old time's sake. I enjoyed thouroughly all the memories they shared as we drove past their old house in Duin Dorp and they recalled the "olden days". Johan, my uncle, took us all to an Italian restaurant called "La Galleria" at night. Opa and I danced the fox trot to a 3 piece band and I pulled the "whipped cream trick" on oma. It was such a great night. The next morning I left early for home after getting a Starbucks in the airport! so good!!

The display case at Han's store...looks big...I shouldn't tell you that there's a mirror there as well.
Hans and I fileting fish.
Opa chowed down about 4 can imagine the heartburn he felt later!
Oma with her dainty fingers getting all dirty. She was so worried about smelling like fish, and to think that she did this for half her life!
The whipped cream trick.
At the store. Oma, Hans, Johan, Opa, and me!

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