frozen pond in the mountains.

At one point, I thought it would be great to get a picture from the top of a little ridge...let's just say I didn't make it too far...I took 1 step and fell into a 3-ft. snow drift!! I was yelling for Drew to come pull me out because I had one hand barried and one hand straight in the air with my camera. Drew, on the other side of the car halfway done with his pee, was not very quick to save as he was also dying of laughter!! It was just the comic relief that we needed though :)
where I landed after the fall...
the picture I wanted from the ridge...
Just before we got into the town of Evergreen, we stopped to get some shots of the elk herds. What a powerful animal!! We went into town to get some Beau Jo's pizza and watch part of the superbowl! At halftime, we decided to head back home. After the superbowl, we watched the Office...hahaha...Drew and I were laughing histerically! so great!

when we arrived in Evergreen at another pond, there were people ice skating & ice fishing.

So, here I am...monday morning...not working because last week I had some very exciting news. I got a really great position at Breakfast on Broadway. I am now head opener from tuesday through saturday, meaning I will be working those days from 6-11am (some days a little later). I am so excited about this because I had been praying for somewhat of a schedule and was struggling with working nights at the new restaurant and only seeing my hubby for an hour in the mornings. just another blessing!
Nice, Evie. I'm glad I checked since I didn't have a chance to find out if you had a nice time yesterday. Well, I know now! Fantastic pictures!
gorgeous pictures!
wow. God is good.
love and miss you both.
enjoy your week.
nice. gotta love colorado. it's always good to get out, esp when you're getting each other's nerves...
and great news about the job!
Evie! Gorgeous pics :) You look very happy and I know you are just so happy to be married...the nerves thing seems so recent and so far at the same time- Andy was here 24/7 for 4 weeks in Spain and it was great but we also needed to venture out and away from that "yarg!" feeling. Un abrazo fuerte!
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