Tuesday, October 21


You know what's so great about birthdays: you can do exactly what you want for a whole 24 hours. No one can say anything that will ruin your day. You can take a nap for 3 hours in the middle of the morning, go shopping, hang out with exactly who you would like and do exactly what you would like to do. ha. For some, that's the case, for others, well...not so much.

But, this year, although Drew wasn't around, I had one of those birthdays. I postponed all my homework, went to the mall all afternoon, bought a new pair of boots from BR with my birthday money, and took a 2 hour nap before going to Rose's for dinner with my family!! It was perfect.

Enjoy birthdays! I heard too many times it's "just another day". It's a day to celebrate the years God has given you!! yay for birthdays.

1 comment:

Julie said...

I'm one of those whose kind of a "bah-humbugger" to birthdays. I don't know why. I'm sorry.
But I do love your birthday cause it's also Tay's and G-Wags too (a cali friend) and your birthday has always been a special one to me:)

love ya, Ev and am glad you had such a good day.

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