Last night was Andy Draayer's Birthday and so we decided to make him a cake, get him a keg (I realize the negative connotation that goes along with a keg, however it can't be that bad when 3/4 of it still remain), sing birthday songs, and have papa Joey tell some pretty lame jokes. Rachel and I went to go grab the cake and rushed home to make it before Andy got there. We all just sat around on Keri's patio and hung out in the company of some good people. This morning, Sunday, we went to Denver Community Church and then went to a breakfast place called Stella's in The Highlands. After which Drew and I went to register a bit more (this time at REI).
Keri and me

Rachel, me, and Keri

The patio

Keri displaying our work

Check out the cruiser bikes on the right. We took them out for a cruise last night as well.
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