What a superb trip. First of all, the travel could not have gone more smoothly. This was a big deal to us because all of our “mama’s and papa’s” doubted we would even make it to the airport in time to catch our plane. Well, we navigated our way through the train system and ended in Arhus, Denmark. Arhus is a little college town on the Norwegian Sea. We arrived at night, so everything was shut down, but we couldn’t wait to see the city in the light—it was adorable.
Friday morning and afternoon, our group split up and Lindsay and I took the scenic path through the city: looking into shops, buying fresh bread, spending way too much money (Linds), scoping out good pizza places etc. We kept commenting to eachother, “How many H&M’s do they have?” or “this all looks so familiar”… It was because it was all familiar and after the third loop around, I realized that they don’t have parallel streets and that we were going in circles the entire day. Oops. Needless to say, if anyone needs a tour of Arhus, Lindsay and I know the city (well part of it) quite well.
For dinner (and lunch again on Saturday) we stopped at a pizza joint. We were thrilled because the pizza was super cheap AND they had ranch dressing (something you don’t see in Spain); we were ecstatic! In Arhus as well, they had at least five 711’s with the slushy machine. One more culture difference we noticed going from Spain to Denmark was that first, they had tall people, and second, all the people were gorgeous. There we sat, 6 Americans, warming up in the middle of the mall, bundled in scarves and mittens and hoodies, surrounded by our packs, while all around us the “fashionable” Danes walked casually in their well planned get up for the day. It was a sight to be seen.
We made it back to Denia at about 2am.
There has been a slight change in the weather—a bit rainy and chilly—but, I won’t start complaining because I know what you are all going through in Michigan! Today I am free from class, but have plans to go to the bakery and do my homework that I have been putting off for some time now. Love you all and miss you as well.
The Pizza was huge and they had RANCH!!

using shutter...

These strollers were all around. My mom used to push us around with a stroller like this, so I was super excited!

cool evie! sounds like you're having fun! your mom was showing me this page last night (i was home this weekend)....i guess the benefits of being away from home but still in country, you can fly home really anytime!!! so, hope you're well and rested up from your trip and talk to you later!
Pics are great! Looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for the tip on a little honey hole in Denmark for the cute blondes :) ......It's good to see you're having a great time. Love and miss you.
Evie, what a great post on your blog. How fun to read how much fun you had and your insights to the different cultures. I'm so proud that you guys all showed your papas and mamas that you did well. And this mom and pop too. We miss you and love you.
what a fun trip, Evie. crazy how cheap and easy it is to travel to different countries, and as mom said, different cultures.
I thoroughly enjoy your pictures, too.
you're the cutest ever and i miss chatting with you...but i can totally hear you through your blog. It is like we are just sitting in a coffee shop talking. :) thanks for your email too---i will write you back soon, I PROMISE.
have a fabulous week.
love and prayers,
Hi babe! Your pictures look so cute, I'm so glad that you have that passion and can use it to show all of us back here cool things! Well I just thought I would say 'hi', it is Thursday after all, our time for coffee, AND now Jenny VL works there in the mornings so it's more fun!! Love you, Lisa
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