Saturday, September 1

9 months

Pregnancy is far from what I thought it would be - it's much more enjoyable than I had anticipated. It's such a surreal and wonderful experience: growing and sustaining a life.
My amazing hubby asked if I'd get a little decked out so that he could take 37 week maternity photos, something now I'm very glad he got me to do. Here are some of the shots. Not too shabby, Drew!

I think one of the most anticipated bits of motherhood is to see Drew as pops. I cannot wait!

Of course, this would not be a complete shoot without our first child, Maups.


Brian and Femke Muntz said...

amazing!! congratulations!!!! Femke and I are back in CO, we should have family picnic!

Julie said...

love. love. love. you guys make a beautiful family... can't wait for the baby to "complete" it.

Mom In't Hout said...

Evie and Drew, those are absolutely adorable photos showing eager anticipation of baby D. Beautiful! Thanks for posting.

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