Wednesday, July 28

go rockies!

A beautiful beaming sun on a warm summer night, the company of good friends, food you didn't have to pay for, and a cold beer...Go Rockies!

Carlee and me
giant weenie!
Josh, Drew, me and Carlee

Sunday, July 25

michigan in july

Mom and Dad at the pit.
...oh blue eyes...nephew, Cameron
Avery, my niece
What a Stud, pops!
Nick, Julie, Eva and Sofia
...yes, there are even chickens! And I was a bit scared (if you can't tell!)
mini photo shoot
Eva bear making faces
Julie, me, mom and J (with Sofia and Camio)
love seeing my brothers as papas! so cute.
"Home sweet home" rings so true. I was home for the weekend to surprise mom, although I think the surprise was possibly revealed before I got there (just a thought). I was able to do alot while I was there and see some super special people, including friends, inlaws, immediate and extended family!

Tuesday, July 20


Recently I spent the weekend back in G-Rap. Love family, friends, foods, pit parties, conversations...
 Photos are to come...I just can't find my cord that hooks up from camera to computer. Will come soon!!

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