Friday night, after a hard day's work, I surprised my opa and oma. They had no idea that I was coming and so when the doorbell rang, I ran downstairs to greet them. They were so thrilled as was I. I started bawling because it was so overwhelming. After I recovered (smile) we sat at chatted and some other family came over as well.
Saturday morning I went with my aunt and uncle to their store and put in a good 4 hours of "work"/watched everyone else do their thing. After, we picked up my opa and oma to run some errands and visit more family. We went to visit Hans in his store and I had to see opa and oma fillet (1 l?) the hering for old time's sake. I enjoyed thouroughly all the memories they shared as we drove past their old house in Duin Dorp and they recalled the "olden days". Johan, my uncle, took us all to an Italian restaurant called "La Galleria" at night. Opa and I danced the fox trot to a 3 piece band and I pulled the "whipped cream trick" on oma. It was such a great night. The next morning I left early for home after getting a Starbucks in the airport! so good!!
The display case at Han's store...looks big...I shouldn't tell you that there's a mirror there as well.

you are fabulous! so glad you got to meet up with your family while there.
have a good rest of the week. xoxo Lo
Terific pictures Evie we miss you already!!
Groetjes Hans je neefje.
How wonderful to see you having so much fun with the family! I'm so glad you were able to go there and get into a whole different culture again. Lots of different countries you've experienced these last few months. Leuk he, Evie? How very good to see you working, getting your hands dirty. I know you love that too. By the way, did you go home with lots of drop?
Here your Uncle Johan Evie we miss you simple but threu.
We sow the pictures the are great.
We hope you will a nice time in spain also there was a lot of rain came down the last days we saw on the t.v. but now this honey after rain always shine the sun.
have a good time 27 days still to go (HAHAHAHA) big KISSIS from your Uncle& Ant Johan Marja doei schat
So nice... so good seeing you guys all together able to spend some time todos juntos.
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