Saturday, December 31

California: Part Sofia...

Finally I'm getting back to the blog... time around the holidays gets so crazy! On the boardwalk in Santa Monica, Sofia I think was getting her sugar buzz on! Like seafood?

"See Food" (I know what you're thinking: very original - hehe)

umm, oh yeah... cotton candy too!!

looking cool in auntie Evie's sunny shades!

Saturday, December 3

California Part 1

I took alot of photos in California and so I'll have a couple of posts from there. We had such a nice time hanging out at the house, eating AMAZING food, site seeing (incl. this trip to Santa Monica), and enjoying some great conversations. (k. in't hout family - you were missed!)

Eva with Nick in back

Julie and Sofia

tell me that she's not able to stare right into your soul!

quick family photo

"Joke!! Hang on to her!" says Dad as he's clenching onto the pole in the middle of our carriage on the Ferris Wheel and mom is letting Sofia peek over the side (not at all close to letting her go!)

We all rode it except for this guy... Who could it be??

it's Drew!!
Drew had a chance to grab some lunch with our buddy Lane who now lives in Cali and came just as we were heading on the Ferris Wheel. 

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