I spent Easter weekend in Redlands, CA with Nick and Julie and my 2 nieces, Eva and Sofia. It's official...they are adorable! I drove to Orange County on Saturday to hang out with Nicole, my girlfriend, who's getting married and had a bridal shower. She had no idea that I was coming and so when I pulled up to her house, and awkwardly had her brother and dad look at me like who's that girl?, she was so surpised when I walked in the door...I even got some tears! Katie was there too and so us three hung out for a couple hours a caught up on wedding chat and life stuff. (photos for that coming soon...my camera for some reason wouldn't upload it).
Nick and Sophia looking for the candy-filled eggs
"Can I see it?" Her favorite words. She loves to see the photos after their taken!
Eva counting her eggs
"Peez." another favorite word (please)
Eva and her buddy, Micah